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11th International LS-DYNA Conference

Detroit, 2010

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  • A Brief Look at *MAT_NONLOCAL: A Possible Cure for Erosion Illness?

    Leonard Schwer - Schwer Engineering & Consulting Services

    The computational mechanics literature dealing with damage and failure is filled with work addressing what is termed mesh regularization techniques. These various techniques seek to eliminate, or minimize, the numerical artifact of strain localization. LS-DYNA® provides a technique for attempting to regularize meshes with damage and failure via the keyword *MAT_NONLOCAL. The non-local implementation in LS-DYNA is based on the work of… more

  • A Comparison of recent Damage and Failure Models for Steel Materials in Crashworthiness Application in LS-DYNA

    Dr. André Haufe (Dynamore GmbH), Frieder Neukamm, Dr. Markus Feucht (Daimler AG), Paul DuBois (Consultant), Dr. Thomas Borvall (ERAB)

    With increasing requirements on crashworthiness, and light-weight car body structures being a central issue in the future of automotive development, the use of high strength steel grades has become wide-spread in modern vehicles. Since these materials all too often show significantly lower ductility than conventional steels, it is of great importance to precisely predict their failure in crash loading conditions. Hence constitutive models in crash… more

  • A Contribution to New ALE 2D Method Validation

    Nicolas VAN DORSSELAER, Vincent LAPOUJADE - Alliance Services Plus,

    Since LS-DYNA® v971 r4, a new ALE 2D method is available. Several finite element studies were performed by AS+ to evaluate the precision of this method in pure Multi-Materials Euler studies . Pure Multi-Materials Euler was tested on Impacts and Explosives studies from Defense and Spatial fields. A High Velocity Impact, a Long Rod Penetration, an Explosively Formed Projectile, a Shaped Charge Jet and an Air Blast were modeled using 2D axi… more

  • A New Development in Pedestrian Safety: The FLEX-PLI GTR LS-DYNA Model

    Chirag S. Shah, Fuchun Zhu, Roel Van De Velde, Robert Kant - First Technology Safety Systems

    The lower limb is one of the most frequently injured body regions in crashes involving pedestrians. A biofidelic FLEXible-Pedestrian Legform Impactor Global Technical Regulations (FLEX-PLI GTR) device has been developed under directions of the Flex-PLI Technical Evaluation Group (FLEX-PLI TEG). First Technology Safety Systems (FTSS) is developing a LS-DYNA model in addition to the hardware counterpart. The FLEX-PLI GTR is the latest develo… more

  • A New Method for the Structural Optimization of Product Families

    Larsgunnar Nilsson - Engineering Research Nordic AB, Michael Öman - Scania CV AB

    This paper discusses the problem of structural optimization of product families subjected to multiple load cases, evaluated by computationally costly finite element analysis. Product families generally have a complex composition of shared components that makes individual product optimization difficult as the relation between the shared variables is not always intuitive. More optimal is to treat the problem as a product family optimization proble… more

  • A New Strain Rate Dependent Spot Weld Model for Automotive Crash Applications

    Dr. P.K.C. Wood - University of Warwick, Mr. M.A. Buckley - Jaguar and Land Rover, Dr. B. Walker - Ove Arup and Partners, Mr. T. Dutton - Dutton Simulation

    New spot weld failure models in a range of sheet steels have been developed for use in the virtual testing of automotive crash structures to ensure compliance to international safety requirements. The desire to balance the cost to develop the data input to spot weld failure models and their capability to predict failure in simulation tools is central to the method. Full vehicle crash simulations suggest confidence in the predictive capability of the… more

  • A Simple, Efficient and Robust Way to do Binder Wrap Simulation with LS-DYNA Implicit Solver

    Kaiping Li, Yang Hu - ASME, Chrysler Group LLC, Xinhai Zhu - Livermore Software Technology Corp.

    With the newly improved LS-DYNA implicit solver, the possibility to use it for binder wrap simulations of Stamping Process becomes reality. The importance of binder wrap simulation can never be overly emphasized since it will not only approve or disapprove the concepts of binder shape design, hence the whole addendum development of stamping process, but also impact the final results of stamping process simulations.

  • A Study of Mapping Technique for Air Blast Modeling

    Vincent LAPOUJADE, Nicolas VAN DORSSELAER - Alliance Services Plus, Sandrine KEVORKIAN, Karine CHEVAL - Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire

    Since LS-DYNA® v971 r4, a new 2D ALE method with an associated Mapping technique is available. Mapping enables the decomposition of a calculation in several steps: at the end of a 2D ALE calculation, data from the last cycle can be mapped into another 2D or 3D mesh. Several finite element studies of Air Blast were modeled to evaluate efficiency and potential of this new LS-DYNA feature. First, an influence study was performed to evaluate t… more

  • A Study on the Scalability of Hybrid LS-DYNA on Multicore Architectures

    Yih-Yih Lin - Hewlett-Packard Company

    In this paper, the effects of differences in problem size, number of cores per processor, and interconnect on the Hybrid LS-DYNA’s performance are studied. The result shows that combination of these three factors determines when Hybrid LS-DYNA has a performance advantage over the MPP LS-DYNA.

  • Advanced Mode Analysis for Crash Simulation Results

    Clemens-August Thole

    Potential scatter of simulation results caused for exampleby buckling, is still a challenging issue for the predictability. Principle component analysis (PCA) is a well-known mathematical method for data analysis. In order to characterize scatter PCA analysis was applied to the simulation results from a number of runs using all node positions at all time steps. For industrials relevant problems the size of the data base is larger than 100 GBytes (ev… more

  • Advancements in Material Modeling and Implicit Method for Metal Stamping Applications

    Xinhai Zhu, Li Zhang - Livermore Software Technology Corporation

    A review of recent developments in stamping manufacturing will be conducted. The review will be focused on discussions surrounding new features related to static implicit binder wrap, advanced material modeling with Yoshida’s non-linear kinematic hardening in conjunction with Hill’s 1948, Barlat 1989 and Barlat 2000 yield criteria.

  • Advances on the Incompressible CFD Solver in LS-DYNA

    Facundo Del Pin - Livermore Software Technology Corporation

    The present work will introduce some of the resent developments in the Incompressible CFD (ICFD) solver currently under development in LS-DYNA. The main feature of this solver is its ability to couple with any solid model to perform Fluid-Structure interaction (FSI) analysis. Highly non-linear behavior is supported by using automatic re-meshing strategies to maintain element quality within acceptable limits. In this work we will introduce the additi… more

  • ALE Incompressible Fluid in LS-DYNA

    Mhamed Souli - University of Lille

    The computation of fluid forces acting on a rigid or deformable structure constitutes a major problem in fluid- structure interaction. However, the majority of numerical tests consists in using two different codes to separately solve pressure of the fluid and structural displacements. In this paper, a monolithic with an ALE formulation approach is used to implicitly calculate the pressure of an incompressible fluid applied to the structure. The p… more

  • An Assessment of the New LS-DYNA® Multi-Layered Solid Element: Basics, Patch Simulation and its Potential for Thick Composite Structural Analysis

    Thorsten Schütz - Adam Opel GmbH, Anton Matzenmiller - Univ. of Kassel, Madhukar Chatiri - CADFEM GmbH

    Limitation of fossil fuels and global warming favor the introduction of new powertrain concepts for road vehicles with highest efficiency and low greenhouse gas emissions. Fuel cell vehicles offer the highest potential for sustainable mobility in the future. One major component of fuel cell vehicles is the hydrogen storage system. A promising and currently the most-used approach is to store hydrogen in wet-wound carbon fiber reinforced pl… more

  • An Improved 3D Adaptive EFG Method for Forging and Extrusion Analysis with Thermal Coupling in LS-DYNA

    Hongshneg Lu - Shanghai Hengstar Technology Co. Ltd., C. T. Wu - Livermore Software Technology Corporation

    The 3D adaptive EFG method using conventional moving least-square approximation or fast transformation method [1] has been successfully applied to metal forging and extrusion analysis thanks to its high accuracy in dealing with large material deformation [2] in LS-DYNA. Recently, a meshfree convex approximation [3-5] was developed to be an alternative in the large deformation analysis. However, its application to the adaptive method has n… more

  • An Integrated Process for Occupant Safety Simulations with LS-DYNA & MADYMO Coupling

    Cédric Canadas, Tom Van Langenhove, Christophe Liefooghe - LMS International, Paul van Catz, Peter Ritmeijer - TASS

    This paper presents an innovative integrated process to perform occupant safety simulation with LS-Dyna & Madymo coupling. More than ever before, the automotive industry operates in a highly competitive environment. Manufacturers must deal with competitive pressure and with conflicting demands from customers and regulatory bodies regarding the vehicle functional performance, which forces them to develop products of increasing qualit… more

  • An LS-DYNA Model for the Investigation of the Human Knee Joint Response to Axial Tibial Loadings

    Dr. Chiara Silvestri, Doug Heath, Prof. Dr. Malcolm H. Ray - Worcester Polytechnic Institute

    Automotive accidents frequently involve fracture of the knee joints which can be related to either bone or soft tissue injuries. Previous studies show that the degree of anterior-posterior constraint of the femur bone along its longitudinal axis plays a crucial role in determining the knee-joint-fracture mechanism and internal tibial-femoral load distribution. Also, the anatomical tilt of the tibial plateau, tibial-femoral joint compression results in a… more

  • An MPP Version of the Electromagnetism Module in LS-DYNA for 3D Coupled Mechanical-Thermal-Electromagnetic Simulations

    P. L'Eplattenier, C. Ashcraft - Livermore Software Technology Corporation, I. Ulacia - Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa

    A new electromagnetism module is being developed in LS-DYNA for coupled mechanical/thermal/electromagnetic simulations. One of the main applications of this module is Electromagnetic Metal Forming (EMF). The electromagnetic fields are solved using a Finite Element Method (FEM) for the conductors coupled with a Boundary Element Method (BEM) for the surrounding air/insulators. Both methods use elements based on discrete diff… more

  • An Overview of LS-OPT Version 4.1

    Nielen Stander, Tushar Goel - Livermore Software Technology Corporation

    The main focus of the LS-OPT V4.1 development has been to further expand the graphical postprocessor and to significantly improve reliability, usability and transparency when distributing solver jobs across networks. Much of the latter has been accomplished through industrial collaboration. While LS-OPT originated as an LS-DYNA® based tool, new features are increasingly being developed to facilitate interfacing with non-LS-DYNA solvers. Thi… more

  • Analysis and Design of Large-Scale Civil Works Structures Using LS-DYNA

    David DePolo, Eric Kennedy, Thomas Walker, Ryan Tom - US Army Corps of Engineers

    The Folsom Joint Federal Project (JFP) Auxiliary Spillway is a high profile addition to the Folsom Dam, located approximately thirty miles upstream of Sacramento, California. Total concrete placements on the project will exceed 140,000 cubic yards at a projected cost of nearly $1 billion. The main component of the JFP is a large concrete control structure with steel bulkhead gates, submerged tainter gates, and post-tensioned anchorage. A… more

  • Application of Topology Optimization for Crash with LS-OPT/Topology

    Heiner Müllerschön, Katharina Witowski - DYNAmore GmbH, Nikolay Lazarov - University of Karlsruhe

    Since end of 2009 a new software tool LS-OPT/Topology is available from LSTC. With LS-OPT/Topology nonlinear topology optimization with LS-DYNA can be applied for static and even for dynamic problems. The underlying method is Hybrid Cellular Automata (HCA) which is a heuristic, gradient-free approach. The objective is to obtain a structure with uniform internal energy density subject to a given mass fraction. In the current version LS-… more

  • Applying the Dynamic Relaxation Step to Determine Influence on Global Model Response from Shock Tube Loading for Mounted Hybrid III Head Neck Assembly

    Emily Ward, Tim Harrigan - The Johns Hopkins University

    Blast-induced traumatic brain injury (bTBI) is a critical issue for warfighter protection. Since bTBI has many features in common with injuries due to impact loading, the Hybrid III crash test dummy can be used to study many aspects of this injury, and the head-neck assembly of the Hybrid III dummy can provide a relevant initial bench test for computational studies of traumatic brain injury. LS-DYNA® has provided finite element models (FEM)… more

  • Bolted Joint Representation in LS-DYNA to Model Bolt Pre-Stress and Bolt Failure Characteristics in Crash Simulations

    Shailesh Narkhede, Nitin Lokhande, Bhavesh Gangani, Ganesh Gadekar - Tata Motors Ltd.

    During the vehicle crash event (especially vehicles involving light and heavy commercial vehicles where bolted connections are predominantly used) bolted joints behavior, in terms of deformation and failure, play significant role in detecting the level of occupant protection offered by the vehicle structure. The current FE modeling techniques, for bolted joint representation in crash FE models, pose various limitations in terms of simulating… more

  • Book of Abstracts.pdf
  • Capabilities of Result Visualization in LS-OPT V4.1 - Demonstrated by Means of Industrial Problems

    Katharina Witowski, Heiner Müllerschön - DYNAmore GmbH

    During the last decade the optimization software LS-OPT has been used for design optimization, for DOE-studies, for system identification and for stochastic investigations in many industrial projects. LS-OPT became over the years a highly sophisticated software tool with very effective and reliable optimization methodologies particular suitable for highly nonlinear problems. This paper illustrates the capabilities of LS-OPT by means of severa… more

  • Comparison of FEM and SPH for Modeling a Crushable Foam Aircraft Arrestor Bed

    Matthew Barsotti - Protection Engineering Consultants, LLC

    Passenger aircraft can overrun the available runway area during takeoff and landing, creating accidents involving aircraft damage and loss of life. Crushable foam arrestor bed systems are often placed at runway ends to mitigate such overruns. As the aircraft tires roll through the bed, the material compaction dissipates energy, bringing the aircraft to a controlled stop. A detailed two-year analysis was conducted for the TRB Airport Coopera… more

  • Comparison of Lagrangian, SPH and MM-ALE Approaches for Modeling Large Deformations in Soil

    Cezary Bojanowski - Argonne National Laboratory, Ronald F. Kulak - RFK Engineering Mechanics Consultants

    Ongoing research at the USDOT funded Transportation Research and Analysis Computing Center (TRACC) at Argonne National Laboratory on bridge stability for bridges with piers in scour holes relies greatly on LS- DYNA® capabilities for modeling large deformations in soil and fluid structure interaction. When it comes to soil modeling, material model MAT_005 Soil and Crushable Foam is often used as a first approximation. It is especi… more

  • Crashworthiness Analysis of Finite Element Truck Chassis Model Using LS-DYNA

    Yucheng Liu - University of Louisiana

    This paper presents a detailed multi-purpose finite element model of a light duty truck chassis and evaluates this model in computational simulations of full frontal, offset frontal, and corner impacts. The simulation results are analyzed which correctly describe the characteristics and performance of a truck chassis during under impact scenarios. Through the validation and computational simulations, the presented model is proved to be comput… more

  • Crashworthiness of Composite Structures with Various Fiber Architectures

    Nageswara R. Janapala, Fu-Kuo Chang - Stanford University, Robert K. Goldberg, Gary D. Roberts, Karen E. Jackson - NASA Glenn Research Center

    Advanced textile composite structures, such as braids and fabrics, are showing promising characteristics for energy absorption. However, modeling of these composite structures is quite challenging because of their complicated architecture, varied fiber/matrix combinations, and the failure mechanisms associated with them. Unfortunately, none of the existing material models is capable of simulating diverse failure behaviors observed during cru… more

  • Development of Hail Material Model for High Speed Impacts on Aircraft Engine

    Yann CHUZEL,Alain COMBESCURE - LaMCoS INSA Lyon, Marco NUCCI, Yann PERRIN - Snecma Villaroche, Roland ORTIZ - Onera Lille

    Hail impacts represent a threat for aircrafts and their engines. As experimental tests on aircraft engines are expensive and they can not be done in early stages of the development, numerical simulations to predict hailstone impacts on engine blades have to be developed. The purpose of this work is to present a new material model for simulating hailstone impacts on engine blades. Aeronautical industry has already developed numerical models… more

  • Development of Parachute Simulation Techniques in LS-DYNA

    Benjamin Tutt, Scott Roland - Airborne Systems, Richard Charles, Greg Noetscher - Natick Soldier Center

    Parachute design often relies heavily on historical experimental data, and parachute development frequently requires numerous test campaigns. Although both of these techniques eventually result in successful parachute systems, such an approach will rarely result in any true advance to parachute engineering knowledge. Consequently, an unusually high emphasis is placed on experienced parachute design personnel, and often si… more

  • Development, implementation and Validation of 3-D Failure Model for Aluminium 2024 for High Speed Impact Applications

    Paul Du Bois, Murat Buyuk, Jeanne He, Steve Kan - NCAC-GWU

    FAA William J Hughes Technical Center (NJ) conducts a research project to simulate failure in aeroengines and fuselages, main purpose is blade-out containment studies material testing performed by OSU ballistic testing performed by NASA/GRC numerical simulations performed by GWU-NCAC involved the implementation in LS-DYNA of a tabulated generalisation of the Johnson-Cook material law with regularisation to accommodate sim… more

  • Developments in Line-Die Simulation and Exterior Surface Quality Check

    Klaus Wiegand - Daimler AG, Li Zhang, Xinhai Zhu - Livermore Software Technology Corporation

    A review of recent developments in stamping manufacturing will be conducted. The review will be focused in area surrounding the new line die simulation capabilities and in exterior surface panel quality check.

  • Drop Test into Water and Wave Impact Simulations of a Novel 7-Meter Plastic Boat with LS-DYNA

    Martin Vézina, Arash Firoozrai - SimuTech Group Inc.

    The US Congress, in its desire for a safer boat for the US Navy, contracted Stanley Widmer Associates Inc. to design and build a novel rotationally molded 7-meter boat using a patented "kiss-off" design. A first ever made prototype will be ready for trial in 2010. The material used for most of the boat, high density cross linked polyethylene, and the double hull with “kiss-off” design should, among other advantages, increase the boat's impa… more

  • EMAS Core Material Modeling with LS-DYNA

    Yijian (Jack) Shi - Engineered Arresting Systems Corporation

    With Lagrangian meshes and the LS-DYNA FEA explicit solver, Mat #63 – Crushable Foam is used to simulate the Phenolic foam – a candidate material for an EMAS core [7]. The simulated conditions include three scenarios: unconfined uniaxial compression, confined uniaxial compression and plate penetration into a large block. The three scenarios are purposely chosen for utilizing test data and validating simulation results. The simulations r… more

  • Engine Impeller Sub-Fragmentation Simulation Using EFG Method

    Shoufeng Hu - Hamilton Sundstrand, C. T. Wu, Yong Guo - Livermore Software Technology Corporation

    Engine impeller burst containment test may lead to the impeller sub-fragmentation. The containment of the impeller debris from sub-fragmentation presents a new challenge, because of the unpredictable pattern of dynamic fracture. In this study, the capability of EFG failure method in predicting the dynamic fracture of the ductile material, used for the engine impeller under impact loading, is demonstrated. In the EFG method, the combinatio… more

  • Experimental and Numerical Testing of the V50 Impact Response of Flexible Fabrics: Addressing the Effects of Fabric Boundary Slippage

    Gaurav Nilakantan, Michael Keefe, John W. Gillespie Jr. - University of Delaware, Eric D. Wetzel, Richard Merrill, Travis A. Bogetti, Rob Adkinson - US Army Research Laboratory

    The impact testing of woven fabrics comprised of high strength and high modulus yarns is probabilistic in nature. This paper presents results from the experimental impact testing of 50.8 mm×50.8 mm scoured Kevlar S706 fabric samples held on four sides and impacted at the center by a 0.22 caliber ball bearing projectile. The V50 velocity response is obtained by performing impact experiments over a range of velocities and fitting the data to… more

  • FE Modeling of Innovative Helmet Liners

    D. Hailoua Blanco, A. Cernicchi - Dainese S.p.a, U. Galvanetto - University of Padua

    A key component of a safety helmet is the energy absorbing liner, which absorbs the greatest portion of impact energy during an accident. The aim of the present work was to study innovative structures for energy absorption that minimize the likelihood of head injuries for standard impact cases. The innovative helmet liner consists of an ABS plastic lamina with deformable cones on it. Energy is absorbed via a combination of folding and collap… more

  • Finite Element Modeling and Validation of Guardrail Steel Post Deflecting in Soil at Varying Embedment Depths

    Nauman M. Sheikh, Akram Y. Abu-Odeh, Roger P. Bligh - Texas A&M University System

    This paper presents finite element modeling and validation of roadside guardrail steel posts deflecting in soil. The soil model was validated for posts embedded at various depths. Prior to finite element modeling, several drop- pendulum impact tests were conducted to determine the actual response of the soil-post interaction in dynamic impacts. A decrease in the depth of the post significantly increased the deflection in soil, which complicated t… more

  • Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) Applications to Consumer Products

    Jean V. Seguro - The Procter & Gamble Co.

    Manufacturing consumer products and among them disposable absorbent products is very complex, not only due to the number of components that are assembled together, modified and packed but also because it has to be done at very high speed in order to compete in the ever more competitive disposable absorbent products industry. Creating models to represent such complex processes is very challenging for the above reasons and oth… more

  • Heat Transfer Simulation to Determine the Impact of Al-5Mg Arc Sprayed Coating onto 7075 T6 Al Alloy Fatigue Performance

    G. D'Amours, B. Arsenault, F. Breton - National Research Council Canad, D. Dubé - Université Laval

    Aluminum-5% magnesium coatings was deposited by arc spraying onto aircraft Al 7075 T651 structural alloy for corrosion protection while required to maintain the substrate material fatigue performance integrity. Fatigue performance of coating system is complex and in order to better understand the variability of the fatigue performance of coatings, heat flow in substrate was studied and simulated to determine the temperature evolution duri… more

  • High Fidelity In-Bore Pressure Modeling

    Michael M. Chen - U.S. Army Research Laboratory

    Significant research efforts have been conducted to gain an in-depth understanding of projectile-weapon interactions at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory. The objective of this paper is to increase the fidelity of in-bore modeling and simulations that will facilitate the development of component and system models for U.S. Army weapon systems. Specifically, the in-bore pressure as a projectile travels through a gun tube, which has been… more

  • How to Use the New CESE Compressible Fluid Solver in LS-DYNA

    Zeng-Chan Zhang - Livermore Software Technology Corporation

    This new solver is based on the conservation element and solution element (CESE) method[1, 2]. The CESE method is a novel numerical method for solving conservation laws, and it has many nontraditional features, such as: space- time conservation; high accuracy (2nd order for both flow variables and their spatial derivatives); novel shock- o capturing strategy; both strong shocks and small disturbances can be handled very well simultaneo… more

  • Implementation of the Tanimura-Mimura's Strain Rate Dependent Constitutive Model in LS-DYNA Using User Defined Material Model

    Dr. T. Tsuda - ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation, Dr. S. Tanimura - Aichi University of Technology, Dr. A. Abe, Dr. M. Katayama, Dr. T. Sakakibara - ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation

    Tanimura-Mimura constitutive model covers a wide range of the strain rates and of a large strain, and enables us to use unified and common material constants to simulate the dynamic behaviors of materials and/or bodies. In this paper, dynamic behaviors of high speed tensile tests, buckling tests and crash test of a full vehicle are simulated by implementing this model in LS-DYNA®. Obtained numerical results are in good agreement with the e… more

  • Improvement of Energy Absorption for the Side Member Using Topography Optimization

    Iku Kosaka - Vanderplaats R&D Inc.

    This paper describes a design system to optimize the non-linear responses computed from LS-DYNA® using various optimization techniques, especially with large-scale (large number of design variables) optimization, and demonstrates the system as it improves the energy absorption for the side member of the vehicle. The proposed design system uses the equivalent static load (ESL) method, which requires the iterative process of non-lin… more

  • Improvement of the Energy Absorption Capacity of an Intercity Coach for Frontal Crash Accidents

    Muhammed E. Cerit, Mehmet A. Guler, Uğur Yolum - TOBB University of Economics and Technology Ankara, Bertan Bayram - TEMSA AR-GE VE TEKNOLOJİ A.Ş.

    According to the accident statistics for buses and coaches, accidents involving frontal crash constitute an important percentage among all bus accidents. In this type of accidents, front body of the bus structure gets severely damaged and this puts the driver and crew in great injury risk. And most of the frontal crash accidents result in death of the bus driver. Because of this, the safety of both the bus driver and the crew should be en… more

  • Investigation of *MAT_58 for Modeling Braided Composites

    Brina J. Blinzler, Wieslaw K. Binienda - University of Akron, Akron Ohio, Robert K. Goldberg - NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland Ohio

    An in-depth analysis is needed to simulate the impact behavior of triaxially braided composite materials. Before an impact simulation can be generated, all material input parameters must be found. The objective of this work is to use static tests conducted on axial and transverse coupons to determine these input parameters. In particular, analysis methods that capture the architecturally dependent damage observed in these tests in a computa… more

  • Investigation of LS-DYNA Modeling for Active Muscle Tissue

    Sebastian Mendes, Dr. Chiara Silvestri, Prof. Dr. Malcolm H. Ray - Worcester Polytechnic Institute

    This study is aimed at investigating and comparing one-dimensional and three-dimensional finite element models of active muscle tissue. Skeletal muscle is a very complicated biological structure to model due to its non- homogeneous and non-linear material properties as well as its complex geometry. Additionally, forces generated from muscle activation are directly related to the muscle length and contraction velocity. Finite element… more

  • Investigation of the Shear Thickening Fluid Dynamic Properties and its Influence on the Impact Resistance of Multilayered Fabric Composite Barrier

    P.A. Mossakovsky - Moscow State University, A.M. Bragov - University of Nizhniy Novgorod, M.E. Kolotnikov, F.K. Antonov - FSUE "MMPP "Salut"

    The results of experimental and computational study of properties of shear thickening fluid (STF) are observed. Two series of dynamic tests by the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar method in rigid and soft casings are carried out to determine the dynamic bulk and shear properties of STF. A simplified mathematical model of the STF is formulated for the use in computer simulation of ballistic impact tests of multilayered fabric composite protect… more

  • Investigations of Generalized Joint Stiffness Model in LSTC Hybrid III Rigid-FE Dummies

    Shu Yang, Xuefeng Wang - IMMI

    The joint restraint model *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_STIFFNESS_GENERALIZED in LS-DYNA® provides users a way to define stiffness characteristics for joints defined by *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_OPTION. Based on the relative angles between two coordinate systems, moments are generated according to user-defined curves. It has been defined in LSTC Rigid-FE dummy models to describe the joint behaviors at limb joints such as hip, elbow and knee join… more

  • Isogeometric Analysis in LS-DYNA

    David J. Benson - UCSD

    Isogeometric analysis: finite element analysis performed using the same basis functions as in computer aided design (CAD). CAD basis functions Implementing elements for specific basis functions Desire an ability to rapidly prototype new elements

  • Isogeometric Analysis: Introduction and Overview

    T.J.R. Hughes - The University of Texas at Austin

    Outline: Isogeometric analysis B-splines, NURBS T-splines Bezier extraction Research progress

  • Latest Developments in Crash Pre Processing and Post Processing - Innovative Ideas Brought to the Industry

    L. Rorris - BETA CAE Systems SA

    The increasingly demanding and complex requirements in Crash Analysis, call for continuous and innovative software development. BETA CAE Systems in an effort to meet and exceed the requirements of the industry is introducing new cutting edge technologies, both in the pre-processing area with ANSA, and in post-processing with μETA. This paper presents these new technologies. With the introduction of a new version of ANSA in 2009 a n… more

  • LS-DYNA "Model Compare" in Visual-Environment

    Shivakumara H. Shetty, Velayudham Ganesa - ESI Group, Milind Parab - Mindware, Sreedhar Kandagatla - ESI Software (India) Pvt Ltd

    A downturn in the industry drives companies to execute projects with fewer resources. The demand for product innovation and productivity improvements has increased exponentially. In order to meet the customers’ demand, ESI’s Visual-Environment provides new features and improvements to achieve productivity, better usability and workflow. One such new feature is “Model Compare”. Using “Model Compare”, a user… more

  • LS-DYNA Analysis of a Full-Scale Helicopter Crash Test

    Martin S. Annett - NASA Langley Research Center

    A full-scale crash test of an MD-500 helicopter was conducted in December 2009 at NASA Langley's Landing and Impact Research facility (LandIR). The MD-500 helicopter was fitted with a composite honeycomb Deployable Energy Absorber (DEA) and tested under vertical and horizontal impact velocities of 26 ft/sec and 40 ft/sec, respectively. The objectives of the test were to evaluate the performance of the DEA concept under realistic crash con… more

  • LS-DYNA and JMAG Coupling Simulation for Change of SPM Motor Magnetic Properties Due to Press-Fitting

    Kazuya Sato, Kazuyuki Narita, Hiroyuki Sano - JSOL Corporation

    Press-fitting is one of the methods to keep the laminated structure of the motor core. It is known that the compressive stress due to press-fitting causes an increase of the core-losses. In this paper, the influence of the press- fitting stress on the motor magnetic properties was investigated using LS-DYNA and JMAG coupling simulation. JMAG is a comprehensive software suite for electromechanical equipment design and development. In this investi… more

  • LS-DYNA Best-Practices: Networking, MPI and Parallel File System Effect on LS-DYNA Performance

    Gilad Shainer - HPC Advisory Council, Tong Liu - Mellanox Technologies, Jeff Layton, Onur Celebioglu - Dell

    From concept to engineering, and from design to test and manufacturing, the automotive industry relies on powerful virtual development solutions. CFD and crash simulations are performed in an effort to secure quality and accelerate the development process. The recent trends in cluster environments, such as multi-core CPUs, GPUs, cluster file systems and new interconnect speeds and offloading capabilities are changing the dynamics of cluste… more

  • LS-DYNA Durability Load Cases: An Automated Template Driven Process Using the ANSA Task Manager

    Yianni Kolokythas - BETA CAE Systems SA, Dietmar Fels, Matthias Weinert - Ford-Werke GmbH

    Process organization and standardization are essential in a CAE turnaround cycle. In an era, where the vehicle development time is getting reduced and the number of load case analysis is getting increased, the need for automatic standard processes is increasing. Ford-Werke GmbH and BETA CAE Systems SA are cooperating to develop streamlined, automatic processes, using the ANSA Task Manager. The goal, of these template driven pro… more

  • LS-DYNA Implemented Multi-Layer Fabric Material Model Development for Engine Fragment Mitigation

    S. D. Rajan, B. Mobasher, A. Vaidya - Arizona State University

    The development of a robust and reliable material model for dry fabrics is the main subject of this paper. Dry fabrics are used in a number of applications such as propulsion engines fan-containment systems, and soft body armor. A mechanistic-based material behavior model capturing the behavior of fabrics when subjected to impacts from high-velocity projectiles would make a powerful predictive tool. In this paper, the constitutive… more

  • LS-DYNA Meshfree Interactive Adaptivity and Its Application

    Wei Hu, C. T. Wu - Livermore Software Technology Corporation, Kei Saito - Engineering Technology Division, JSOL Corporation

    The meshfree adaptive method has been developed and widely used as an important tool to deal with large topology change with severe local deformation in the application of 3D metal forming analysis. However, due to the complexity of material deformation, it is impractical to predefine the adaptivity before the actual analysis is performed. The interactive adaptivity will be an alternative to dynamically detect distortion and maintain t… more

  • LS-DYNA on Advanced SGI Architectures

    Olivier Schreiber, Scott Shaw, Brian Thatch - SGI Applications Engineering, Bill Tang - SGI Systems Engineering

    LS-DYNA’s implicit solver integration with explicit software allows large time steps transient dynamics as well as linear statics and normal modes analysis. Until recently,this capability could only be run on large Shared Memory Parallel (SMP) systems,where the application had access to large memory address space of the model. Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP) implementation of LS-DYNA’s implicit solver now allows the factorizatio… more

  • LS-OPT/Topology Version 1

    Willem Roux, Tushar Goel - Livermore Software Technology Corporation, David Björkevik - Engineering Research AB

    This paper presents LS-OPT/Topology, a new topology optimization tool. Topics such as its capabilities, current development directions, and integration into an industrial design environment are discussed.

  • LSTC / NCAC Dummy Model Development

    Pradeep Mohan, Chung-Kyu Park, Dhafer Marzougui, Cing-Dao Kan - The George Washington University, Sarba Guha, Christoph Maurath, Dilip Bhalsod - Livermore Software Technology Corporation

    This paper presents the modeling and validation status of the most commonly used crash test dummies in the regulatory and consumer crash test programs, the Hybrid III family of crash test dummies. Systematic modeling and validation procedures are established and adopted to ensure the accuracy, efficiency, robustness, and ease of use of the models. The procedures are based on the premise that the model must be based on the… more

  • Mathematical Modeling of Asteroid Falling into the Ocean

    A.V. Abramov, O.V. Voikina, I.V. Minaev -LLC "STRELA" Open Computer Center, V.A. Simonenko - RFNC Zababakhin Research Institute of Technical Physics, E.A. Abramov - South-Ural State University, N.A. Skorkin National Research Nuclear University "MIFI"

    Today, experimental information about large-scale collision tsunami is not available. That is why one of the main tools of studies is mathematical modeling. This paper considers falling of stone asteroid with diameter 1 km into the ocean 4 km deep. This asteroid collides with the Earth at a speed of 22 km/s at angles 30, 60 and 90 degrees. Calculation of space body collision with a barrier is split into two stages. At the first stage, using finite-e… more

  • Meshfree Analysis Using the Generalized Meshfree (GMF) Approximation

    Chung-Kyu Park, Cing-Dao (Steve) Kan - The George Washington University, Cheng-Tang Wu - Livermore Software Technology Corporation

    Meshfree methods are becoming widely used in many industrial fields since the finite element method (FEM) has inherent limitations, such as mesh quality and related distortion problems, to analyze sophisticated problems under large deformation. However, the meshfree methods also have their own deficiencies, mainly the high CPU cost. Recently, the generalized mesh-free (GMF) approximation is developed to improve the efficiency and… more

  • Mode-based Frequency Response Function and Steady State Dynamics in LS-DYNA

    Yun Huang - Livermore Software Technology Corporation, Bor-Tsuen Wang - National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

    Two new features used for frequency domain structural analysis --- frequency response function (FRF) and steady state dynamics (SSD), have been implemented in LS-DYNA, based on mode superposition techniques. As a characteristic of a structure, FRF is the transfer function which represents structural response resulting from applied unit harmonic excitations. The harmonic excitations can be given in the form of nodal force, base acc… more

  • Modeling Bird Impact on a Rotating Fan: The Influence of Bird Parameters

    M. Selezneva, K. Behdinan, C. Poon - Ryerson University, P. Stone, T. Moffat - Pratt and Whitney Canada

    The ability to withstand bird impact is one of the major requirements of the modern aircraft jet engine. In fact, rigorous certification procedures are put in place to assess the engine’s ability to sustain severe impact loads developed during bird impact. Full scale bird tests are expensive and time consuming, and call for the use of accurate numerical approximations during the design stages of engine development. The main difficulties enc… more

  • Modeling Blast Damage of Composite Structures

    Bazle A. Gama, Venkat S. Chiravuri, and John W. Gillespie Jr. - University of Delaware

    Blast loading on monolithic materials, sandwich structures, and composite flat plates and cylinders are investigated using LS-DYNA blast loading function and the progressive composite damage model MAT162. Energy dissipating damage mechanisms, momentum transfer, resistance forces, accelerations, and dynamic displacements are analyzed to understand the blast resistance behavior of the flat plates and the cylinders.

  • Modeling the Effects of Laser Peening on Friction Stir Welding Residual Stresses

    Dr. Kelly Carney, Dr. Omar Hatamleh - NASA Glenn Research Center and Johnson Spaceflight Center

    An analytical framework for predicting the residual stresses which result from the laser peening of a friction stir welded sample, using the finite element software LS-DYNA®, is presented, using a 2195 Aluminum alloy as an example. The pressures resulting from the laser peening are directly applied in an explicit transient analysis as forces. At the completion of the transient analysis, an implicit springback analysis is performed to determine the fin… more

  • Modeling the Low Velocity Impact on Thick-Section Composite Cylinder

    Sang-Guk Kang, Bazle A. Gama, Shridhar Yarlagadda, John W. Gillespie Jr. - University of Delaware, Thorsten Schütz, Stephan Fell - Adam Opel GmbH

    Composite materials frequently have been applied to axi-symmetric filament-wound cylinder structures due to their specific stiffness and strength properties. When these structures are subjected to low-velocity impact (LVI), there exists a possibility of significant material damage which can drastically reduce the structural performance. The main objective of this paper is to predict the low velocity impact damage in thick composite c… more

  • Modeling Wire Rope Used in Cable Barrier Systems

    Cody S. Stolle, John D. Reid - University of Nebraska-Lincoln

    An improved LS-DYNA® model of 19-mm diameter 3x7 wire rope commonly used in roadside cable guardrail installations has been developed. A Belytschko-Schwer beam element was selected along with material *MAT_MOMENT_CURVATURE_BEAM. Based on physical testing, total axial load vs. true strain and bending moment vs. curvature were generated for use in the model. Since wire rope displays internal damping due to friction of… more

  • Module Development of Multiphase and Chemically Reacting Flow in LS-DYNA® Compressible Flow Solver

    Kyoung-Su Im, Zeng-Chan Zhang, Grant Cook, Jr. - Livermore Software Technology Corp.

    We reported a significant progress of the simulation module developments such as the cavitation, supersonic heterogeneous combustion, and gaseous detonations for the compressible flow solver. The homogeneous equilibrium model (HEM) based on the acoustic speed of the mixture of liquid and vapor was implemented for automotive diesel injectors, where the cavitation effects should correctly predict for the nozzle design. The heterogeneous… more

  • Multi-Disciplinary Optimization of a Sedan Using Size and Shape Parameterization

    Nitin Sharma, Suthan, Jim Colins, Basant Sharma - Detroit Engineered Products Inc., Troy, MI

    In vehicle development activity there are different disciplines with their own set of requirements that need to satisfied in order to get a successful product. Traditionally, the simulations were performed for different disciplines but at the time of optimization, Single Discipline Optimization (SDO) was usually performed and later confirmatory runs were done for the other disciplines. This process resulted in a time consuming loop of running sev… more

  • New Developments of Frequency Domain Acoustic Methods in LS-DYNA

    Yun Huang - Livermore Software Technology Corporation, Mhamed Souli - University of Lille, Rongfeng Liu - JSOL Corporation

    This paper presents the new developments of finite element methods and boundary element methods for solving vibro-acoustic problems in LS-DYNA. The formulation for a frequency domain finite element method based on Helmholtz equation is described and the solution for an example of a simplified compartment model is presented. For boundary element method, the theory basis is reviewed. A benchmark example of a plate is solved by bou… more

  • New Features in LS-DYNA HYBRID Version

    Nick Meng - Intel Corporation, Jason Wang, Satish Pathy - Livermore Software Technology Corporation

    Numerical noise arising from different MPP core counts compels users to fix the number of cores used by LS- DYNA® MPP e.g. during a vehicle development program. This fixed core count limits job turn-around time and flexibility in managing computing resources. In addition, using a large number of cores for calculations diminishes scalability with pure MPP. LS-DYNA® HYBRID addresses these issues through the use of both MPI +… more

  • Numerical Prediction of the Dynamic Response of Prestressed Concrete Box Girder Bridges Under Blast Loads

    Ahmed Ibrahim, Hani Salim - University of Missouri

    Significant research has been performed on the response and retrofit of buildings under blast loads. Limited research exists on the response prediction and protection of bridges under near-field blast loads. This research focuses on the evaluation and assessment of box girder bridges under blast loads. The objective of this research is to develop a numerical model to predict the damage level in a concrete deck under blast loading and the corres… more

  • Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of Electromagnetic Forming

    Jianhui Shang, Larry Wilkerson, Steve Hatkevich - American Trim LLC, Pierre L’Eplattenier - Livermore Software Technology Corporation

    Compared to traditional sheet metal forming, electromagnetic forming (EMF) has several advantages, such as increased formability, cost savings and improved flexibility. There are many EMF applications in sheet meal forming, especially for aluminum alloys, because aluminum alloys have relatively low formability and high conductivity when compared to steel. The EMF process uses magnetic field generated by a conductive actuator upon large… more

  • On the Prony Relaxation Function

    William W. Feng, John O. Hallquist - Livermore Software Technology Corp.

    For solving viscoelastic problems, the constitutive equations involve convolution integrals with relaxation functions. The relaxation function, G (t ) , is often written in Prony series...

  • Optimization Techniques in Conjunction with Complex ATD FE Models Using LS-DYNA

    John Cooper, Dr. Hyunsok Pang, Matthew McCann, Dr. Ron Averill - Denton ATD, Inc and Red Cedar Technologies, Inc

    This paper discusses the optimization methods used by Denton to create FE ATD models. Anthropomorphic Test Devices (ATDs also known as Dummies) are manufactured with a variety of hyperelastic and viscoelastic materials. The production processes used to manufacture ATD’s result in variations between dummies that can have a significant influence on dummy performance. In addition the load cases present during testing with ATDs are… more

  • Overview of LSTC’s LS-DYNA Anthropomorphic Models

    Christoph Maurath, Sarba Guha, Dilip Bhalsod, Mike Burger, Jacob Krebs, Suri Bala - LSTC, Sebastian Stahlschmidt, Reuben D'Souza - DYNAmore GmbH, Pradeep Mohan, Dhafer Marzougui - The George Washington University

    The paper gives an overview of LSTC's LS-DYNA crash test dummy model development effort. The model development process is outlined. Details of all released models are presented. The development status of models currently under development is addressed. Outlook to future models is given.

  • Predicting the Dynamic Crushing Response of a Composite Honeycomb Energy Absorber Using Solid-Element-Based Models in LS-DYNA

    Karen E. Jackson - NASA Langley Research Center

    This paper describes an analytical study that was performed as part of the development of an externally deployable energy absorber (DEA) concept. The concept consists of a composite honeycomb structure that can be stowed until needed to provide energy attenuation during a crash event, much like an external airbag system. One goal of the DEA development project was to generate a robust and reliable Finite Element Model (FEM) of th… more

  • Prediction of Springback in CNC Tube Bending Process Based on Forming Parameters

    Levent Sözen, Mehmet A. Guler, Recep M. Görgülüarslan, Engin M. Kaplan - University of Economics and Technology

    CNC tube bending machines are commonly used in several industries such as automotive, aerospace and shipping. Especially in automotive industry, usage of tube formed geometries is common because they provide weight reduction without loss of strength. Obtaining desired dimensions and geometries is a necessity for design engineers to achieve high quality end-products. One of the easiest ways of having high quality tube formed… more

  • Process Modeling of Freeform Incremental Forming Using LS-DYNA

    Feng Ren, Zhen Cui, Z. Cedric Xia - Ford Motor Company, Todd Slavik, Li Zhang and Xinhai Zhu - Livermore Software Technology Corporation

    Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) is a manufacturing process for sheet metal prototyping where the blank is incrementally deformed into a desired shape by one or more stylus tools traveling along a prescribed path. Conventional ISF can be categorized into two types, Single-Point Incremental Forming (SPIF) where the sheet metal is formed from one side by a single stylus tool; and Double-Point Incremental Forming (DPIF) where a die positione… more

  • Recent Developments in JSTAMP/NV for the Best Stamping Simulation Environment

    Yuji Kato, Yasuyoshi Umezu, Yuko Watanabe - JSOL Corporation

    In recent years, expectations for stamping simulation systems have increased in stamping die design process, as the needs for lightweight products and short production lead time have grown. Aiming at the best stamping simulation environment, JSOL Corporation has been developing JSTAMP/NV since 1996. One of the most competitive advantages of JSTAMP/NV is accurate prediction of deformation and formability by explicit and implicit solutio… more

  • Recent Improvements to Release III of the K&C Concrete Model

    Joseph M. Magallanes, Youcai Wu, John E. Crawford - Karagozian & Case, L. Javier Malvar - Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center

    Recent improvements are made to Release III of the Karagozian & Case (K&C) concrete model. This three- invariant plasticity and damage-based constitutive model is widely used to model a number of materials, including normal and lightweight concrete, concrete masonry, and brick masonry, to compute the effects of quasi-static, blast, and impact loads on structures. This most recent version of the model, made available starting with LS… more

  • Response of the Enhanced Polar Outflow Probe (e-POP) Instrument Under Shock Loading

    M. Nejad Ensan, D.G. Zimcik - National Research Council Canada

    Spacecraft components encounter mechanical shock from a variety of sources. Components must withstand a series of flight shock pulses, and must be designed and tested accordingly to ensure reliability. This paper presents simulation of the response of the Enhanced Polar Outflow Probe (e-POP) instrument to the shock loading, during payload separation, using LS-DYNA® nonlinear finite element analysis software. Details of the model and… more

  • Safety Assessment and Multi-Objective Optimization of a Paratransit Bus Structure

    Cezary Bojanowski - Argonne National Laboratory, Ronald F. Kulak - RFK Engineering Mechanics Consultants

    Paratransit buses are used in the U.S. as a complementary service for regularly scheduled routes and are usually designed to transport disabled passengers in their wheelchairs. Paratransit buses consist of custom passenger compartments mounted onto separate cutaway chassis--usually built by reputable manufacturer like Ford or GM-- by a secondary manufacturer called a “body builder”. The lack of dedicated national crashworthiness s… more

  • Side Impact Occupant Modeling Practices in Comparison to Test Results

    Skye Malcolm, Brian O’Hara, Craig Markusic, Bryant Whitcomb - Honda R&D Americas, Inc., Ram R. Songade - Altair Engineering, Inc.

    A methodology to obtain and estimate the second row dummy response during the FMVSS 214 Barrier Side Impact test is described. Because of the limited amount of space between the occupant and the car structure, it is challenging to manage and predict the energy distribution in the FMVSS 214 crash mode. Increasing use of Finite Element models provides an edge in product development and its use is increasing as development time is r… more

  • Simulation of a Thin Walled Aluminum Tube Subjected to Base Acceleration Using LS-DYNA's Vibro-Acoustic Solver

    Ofir Shor, Yoav Lev -Rafael, Yun Huang - LSTC

    A shaker table test, where a simple thin walled aluminum tube was base accelerated at two geometrical locations, was simulated using the vibro-acoustic solver of LS-DYNA. It was shown that the method of modeling the fixture of the tube to the shaker table's moving plate had a great impact on the simulation result. Three modeling methods of the fixture were tested, and acceleration PSD results at various points along the tube were co… more

  • Simulation of Granular Ceramic Armor Under Impact from Bullets

    James G. McLean, Seth Frutiger, Robert Dabek, Jeremy Reeves - State University of New York at Geneseo

    Ballistic impact is studied for a novel form of armor, granular ceramic armor. Ceramic granules, in the millimeter size range, are closely packed and bonded together using a relatively soft polymer. This composite layer rests on a rigid backing. In field tests such panels have already shown the capability to stop armor piercing rifle rounds. The goal of the study is to determine the detailed mechanisms of energy and momentum dissipati… more

  • Solid Elements with Rotational Degree of Freedom for Grand Rotation Problems in LS-DYNA

    Hailong Teng - Livermore Software Technology Corporation

    The goal of this paper is to further enhance the solid elements with rotational degree of freedom (DOF). Three- dimensional finite elements with rotational degree of freedom have been proposed elsewhere, however, these elements are restricted to linear analysis. In this paper, by improving the mid-side node velocity update algorithm, we enhance the elements performance. Numerical results are presented, showing that the enhanced e… more

  • Stone Skipping Simulation by ALE and SPH

    Mitsuhiro Makino - Dynapower Corporation

    Stone skipping is the play at sea shore and river. The flat stone, which is thrown, skips on the surface of water. This phenomena is simulated by ALE and SPH capability of LS-DYNA®. The dependency of the parameters such as the angle between stone and water, incident angle of stone will discuss.

  • Structure-Fluid Interaction Analysis of an Existing Water Tank

    Mohammad Ghorbanie, Glen Norlander - AMEC Americas

    An analytical study was completed investigating the cause and consequences of significant vibrations resulting from the operation of a hot water storage tank. Deformations and strain readings of the tank wall were measured during the operation and used to calibrate and validate results from the analytical model. The steel storage tank is supported on a concrete foundation. The diameter of the tank is 18 meters and the height is 28 mete… more

  • Study of Thin-Walled Box Beams Crushing Behavior Using LS-DYNA

    Yucheng Liu - University of Louisiana

    This paper investigates the dynamic crushing behaviors of steel beams with box cross sections. Systematic parametric studies were conducted in order to reveal the effect of material properties, including strain hardening ratio and strain rate effect, length of the beam, and initial impact velocity on the crushing behaviors of the steel beams. A number of finite element models were constructed with various sets of parameters and used for crash… more

  • The Performance of Car Crash Simulation by LS-DYNA Hybrid Parallel Version on Fujitsu FX1

    Kenshiro Kondo - Fujitsu Limited, Mitsuhiro Makino - DYNAPOWER Corporation

    The number of elements of car simulation for crash analysis has increased rapidly over recent years in order to achieve better accuracy. Several MPP versions of LS-DYNA using variations of MPI have been widely applied to car crash simulation for better job turnaround. The modern computing hardware has been exploring multi-core CPU technology since the performance of single-core can not meet the current and future demands. Th… more

  • The Potential Impact of GPUs on LS-DYNA Implicit

    Roger Grimes, Robert Lucas, and Gene Wagenbreth - Livermore Software Technology Corp.

    This talk will report the on-going efforts of LSTC to study the impact of GPUs on LS-DYNA. GPUs offer very high performance computational power at the cost of importing and exporting of data between the host computer and the GPU. The GPU has restricted memory, requires programming in a special language, and suffers performance reduction for double precision arithmetic. Still GPUs appear to offer a potential speed-up of a factor of 2 to 3… more

  • The Recent Progress and Potential Applications of Corpuscular Method in LS-DYNA

    Hailong Teng, Jason Wang, Dilip Bhalsod - Livermore Software Technology Corporation

    The corpuscular method is a coarse-grained muti-scale method developed for gas dynamics simulation. It is based on the kinetic molecular theory, where molecules are viewed as rigid particles obeying Newton’s laws of mechanics. Each particle in the corpuscular method represents a group of gas molecules. The only particle-particle and particle--fabric interactions are perfectly elastic collisions. The corpuscular method has been applied to… more

  • Usage of LS-DYNA in the Development of Professional Hammer Drills

    A. Syma - Black & Decker GmbH, M. Hörmann - CADFEM GmbH

    The development of modern electric power tools for professional use requires special attention. Characteristic aspects such as efficiency and user comfort along with robustness and durability are always of importance to the manufacturer. For the fulfillment of these attributes computer-aided simulation combined with the finite element software LS-DYNA® is a central point during the development process at Black & Decker GmbH, i.e.… more

  • Use of LS-DYNA to Assess the Energy Absorption Performance of a Shell-Based KevlarTM/Epoxy Composite Honeycomb

    Michael Polanco - NASA Langley Research Center

    The forward and vertical impact stability of a composite honeycomb Deployable Energy Absorber (DEA) was evaluated during a full-scale crash test of an MD-500 helicopter at NASA Langley’s Landing and Impact Research Facility. The lower skin of the helicopter was retrofitted with DEA components to protect the airframe subfloor upon impact and to mitigate loads transmitted to Anthropomorphic Test Device (ATD) occupants. To facilitate the d… more

  • Using LS-DYNA to Computationally Assess the V0-V100 Impact Response of Flexible Fabrics Through Probabilistic Methods

    Gaurav Nilakantan, Michael Keefe, John W. Gillespie Jr. - University of Delaware, Eric D. Wetzel, Travis A. Bogetti, Rob Adkinson - US Army Research Laboratory

    The probabilistic nature of the impact performance of flexible woven fabrics arises from a number of sources. The statistical nature of yarn tensile strengths on impact response is modeled in this study. Currently the probability of penetration of a fabric at a given velocity (Vx is the impact velocity having a probability of penetration of x ranging from 0 to 100%) is determined experimentally, by shooting fabric panels over a range of velociti… more

  • Validation of Material Models for the Numerical Simulation of Aluminum Foams

    Marco Perillo, Vito Primavera - EnginSoft SpA, A. Carofalo, M. De Giorgi, R. Nobile - University of Salento

    In the last years a lot of studies dealt with the material modeling of metallic foams, especially for the Aluminum ones. All these activities were performed especially for automotive field applications because the high energy- absorbing property of such foams fits very well the requirement to carry impacting loads efficiently. In spite of this, the industrial applications are not yet so widespread both for manufacturing costs and for a lack of knowledge re… more

  • Variable Screening Using Global Sensitivity Analysis

    Tushar Goel, Christoph Maurath - Livermore Software Technology Corporation

    The cost of optimization increases with the dimensionality of the problem irrespective of using metamodels or direct methods. It is recommended to explore the opportunities to reduce the number of variables. One method to reduce the dimensionality is to fix the variables that do not influence the response significantly. ANOVA based on polynomial response surfaces is often used to identify the least important design variables. The global se… more

  • Vehicle Structures Experimental Analyses

    Moisey B. Shkolnikov

    This paper is a summary of previous developments, publications and usage of special strain gages sets (referred to here as experimental finite elements, FEs) in experimental analyses of vehicle structures. The experimental FEs developments were based on Structural Mechanics, Math Statistic theories and experience of their applications in vehicle structures analyses and tests. The summary’s objective is to describe the LS-DYNA® opti… more

  • WorldSID 50th vs. ES-2 A Comparison Based on Simulations

    Sebastian Stahlschmidt, Alexander Gromer - DYNAmore GmbH, Matthias Walz - Daimler AG

    For testing side impact performance of vehicles two recent male-sized dummies are available. Currently only the ES-2(re) is used in regulations and consumer test. It is expected that the WorldSID will be used for some load cases as substitute or in addition to the ES-2(re). Since only limited experience with the WorldSID is available, simulation is a ideal tool to face the upcoming challenge. The comparison employs detailed finite element dummy… more

  • XFEM and EFG Cohesive Fracture Analysis for Brittle and Semi-Brittle Materials

    Yong Guo, C.T. Wu - Livermore Software Technology Corporation

    The finite element analysis of dynamic fracture in solids and structures is challenging due to the modeling of arbitrary crack growth in the continuum domain. The well-known mesh size and mesh orientation dependences add more difficulties into the analysis of this type of problems. In this presentation, we are going to introduce two numerical methods in modeling the dynamic fracture in brittle materials for solid and structures in L… more