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LS-DYNA User-Defined Internal Ballistic Modeling

One of the challenges in modeling deflagration of solid propellants with LS-DYNA is its limited capability, which is mostly applicable to airbag systems that use gaseous nitrogen generated by burning sodium azide. To overcome this limitation and enable the modeling of custom propellant grains with specific geometries, perforations, surface inhibitors, impetus, burn rates, and co-volumes, a user-defined burn model must be defined. In this study, a custom internal ballistic analysis code is integrated into LS-DYNA to simulate kinematic systems driven by pyro-mechanical devices such as pyro pushers, cutters, thrusters, separations bolts, ejection seat catapults, etc. Step-by-step guidance is provided on implementing a user-defined loading subroutine and the requirements for compiling a custom LS-DYNA executable along with a simple pyro thruster example.

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