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Data preparation for the Euro NCAP far-side ISO/TS 18571 rating calculation with tools from the DYNAmore Eco System

In 2024 the Euro NCAP Virtual Testing far-side protocol was introduced with a monitoring phase. The protocol defines all the requirements in precise detail. To obtain an assessment for the virtual testing, the OEM needs to pass two validation load cases. The assessment is conducted using ISO/TS 18571 ratings. Euro NCAP is responsible for the ISO/TS 18571 rating calculations. The OEM must provide the simulation and test data in a predefined ISO MME data format. If the ratings meet the defined criterion, the virtual testing assessment is deemed successful. This paper presents a straightforward workflow for preparing ISO MME data, illustrated by a case study of a far-side test involving the open-source Toyota Yaris car and the DYNAmore WorldSID 50th dummy model in LS-DYNA. The DYNAmore Eco System tool DM.binout2isomme is used to create the required ISO MME files for sharing with Euro NCAP. Furthermore, the ISO/TS 18571 scores are calculated with a Python script with the same procedure as defined by Euro NCAP.