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Parametric ROM Technology for Fast Optimization of Crash Problems

The purpose of the Crashworthiness analysis is to assess how well a vehicle's structure can protect its occupants during a collision. This study involves transforming the vehicle Crash Model Partially into a Lumped Parameter representation using DEP MeshWorks’ - Reduced Order Modelling (ROM) technology. The ROM model shows an impressive 85-95% correlation with the original Detailed Finite Element model. The complex process of converting the Detailed Finite element model into lumped parameter representation is automated through the ROM approach. The ROM model is further parametrized with a broad ranging category of parameters involving a) shape, b) gage, c) material, d) spot welds, e) adhesives, f) seam welds, g) crush-initiators, h) reinforcements, i) darts, j) bulk-heads, k) slots/holes, l) laser welded blanking, m) ribbing and o) composite lay-up to convert it to an intelligent ‘Parametric ROM Dyna model’ using DEP MeshWorks. This parametric ROM model is integrated with a DOE (Design of Experiments) based Optimization scheme to obtain an optimized design that maximizes Crashworthiness performance and minimizes weight & hence cost. Thanks to the significantly reduced number of nodes/elements in the parametric ROM model, the entire optimization process can be completed in less than 50% of the time that detailed models would require.

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