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Combining Physical Test with Structural FEA to Develop Package-Specific Failure Models for Electronic Components

The use of electronics in harsh environments has increased significantly in the past few decades. For example, in automobiles, where electronic assemblies experience wide temperature extremes, temperature cycling, and shock, the cost of electronics was 18% of the total vehicle cost in the year 2000 and 40% of the total vehicle cost in 2020 [1]. Automotive electronic assemblies experience mechanical shock in a variety of scenarios such as a door slam, a vehicle crash or going over a pothole. In addition to the impact of component power dissipation on component temperatures, the automotive environment can include significant temperature variation due to diurnal solar loading, climate control, and engine heating/cooling cycles. The solder joints that connect electronic components to circuit boards are common failure locations in electronic assemblies, particularly in high shock/vibration environments and extreme temperature cycling conditions. Solder joint failure behavior is heavily influenced by the component’s package construction and materials.

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